Visiting Positions

Visiting Euler Scholar: The Program will typically host one prominent scientist per year for a month-long duration. This position is generally associated with emerging area of growth in computational materials, potentially brings critical collaboration and/or promises significant funding opportunities. These are highly competitive. Contact Program Director if interested to apply.

Long-term visitors: These are typically week-long visits to facilitate inter-institutional and international collaborations, lay down the ground-work for emerging funding opportunities, etc. In the exceptional cases, the visitor can spend up to two weeks at Skoltech.

Short term visitors: These are typically 1-2 day visits to meet with scientists and to present a seminar. The decisions and approvals can be made as needed by the center leaders and seminar organizer. The Program will provide reimbursements of related travel expenses in accordance with the Skoltech policy. International visits are typically limited by EU countries.

Students and postdoc visitors: As a part of ongoing collaborations with in-state and international academic partners, the Program will facilitate visits of students and postdocs from the collaborating groups. The duration of each visit can be up to several weeks. As a rule, the host should cost-share the expenses with the Program. The Program and the host will provide reimbursements of related travel expenses in accordance with the Skoltech policy following ‘budget model’.